Don’t Focus on the Peripherals

Sep 13, 2017 2211

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Don’t Focus on the Peripherals

I was the worst PE teacher ever! I taught kids at school how to do the high jump, when I couldn’t do it myself. I knew all the peripherals, but I couldn’t actually do the real thing.

Don’t ask me how I got to be in that position… that’s a long story.

But one day I got caught out when a cheeky fellow PE teacher asked me to demonstrate it in front of my Year 9 boys’ PE class… and my little kangaroo hop through the bar was totally embarrassing!

Sometimes, Christians can be really good at focusing on the peripherals, and not so good on focusing on how to be saved. And it’s important to focus on how we’re actually saved.

Salvation is about believing in Jesus. The peripherals are good, but they’re not how you’re actually saved. Remember: If you want to do the high jump, train. If you want to be saved, believe in Jesus.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Don't Focus on the Peripherals

Salvation is about believing in Jesus.

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