Don’t Kill the Sparrow

Oct 16, 2018 1748

Radio Version:

Don’t Kill the Sparrow

My dad grew up in a very poor family in Spain, and as a little kid he would sometimes spend weeks alone in the fields. He was very lonely, and so he made friends with the little sparrows that hopped around. He would catch them, and put them in a box.

But the sparrows in the box wouldn’t eat. So he would take them out and push grains of rice down their beaks, making sure they were nice and full. And the little birds would always die.

It was only many years later that he realised why. He’d fed them to death. He should just have let them go.

There’s some things in life that you just can’t force: things like growing up, blooming flowers, and falling in love.

Appreciate the beauty of what is, and not of what might be.

Learn to be patient in your life. Learn to be patient with God. Remember, don’t kill the sparrow.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Don't Kill the Sparrow

Appreciate the beauty of what is and not of what might be.

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