Don’t Make the Problem Worse

Feb 7, 2018 1523

Radio Version:

Don’t Make the Problem Worse

When I was a little kid, we had a little chihuahua dog who gave birth while I was home alone.

Unfortunately, I cut the umbilical cord too short, and so I quickly wrapped a band-aid around this tiny little puppy’s body, and ran up the road to a pay phone to ring and ask for help. The poor tiny puppy died.

I’d had a problem, and I’d dealt with it the wrong way, and that had made it worse – much worse.

Sin is like that. The wrong way of dealing with sin is to think that it isn’t a real “thing,” or to pretend that it’s OK. Both of these just make it worse.

But there is a right way to deal with sin. If you choose to walk with God, then the sacrifice that Jesus made cleanses us of all sin.

Remember: God’s solution to sin is the best solution – in fact it’s the only one!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Don't Make the Problem Worse

God’s solution to sin is the best solution.

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