Don’t Take the Prawns

Feb 7, 2017 1821

Radio Version:

Don’t Take The Prawns

I was in the line at a buffet restaurant while the lady in front of me slowly served herself from a dish that was a mix of veggies, prawns and rice.

After a while, I realised why this lady was taking so long – she had been picking all the prawns out of the dish until there was none left for anyone else!

Too often, life is like that. Too many people want to take the best for themselves – and leave the rest for everyone else. They want to have money without hard work, education without effort, and relationships without commitment.

In Philippians 2, the Apostle Paul says we’re not only to look after our own interests but also after the interests of others, just like Jesus gave up everything for our sake.

Are you tempted to take the prawns out of life, without thinking about the impact on others? Look to Jesus, and be willing to put their needs before your own.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Don't Take The Prawns

Don’t take the prawns out of life without thinking about the impact on others.

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