Drive Off the Birds

Sep 7, 2017 1603

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Drive Off the Birds

We all have things in our lives that try to steal away our happiness, that try to take away the most important things in our lives.

They’re different for every person. In my case they are self-doubt and fear. In your case they might the same, or other things like bad habits, addictions or unresolved hurts from the past.

In the Bible, God asked Abraham to offer a sacrifice, but birds came down, and bothered him, so Abraham had to drive them away.

The birds are the things in our lives that steal away our happiness. You have to drive them away. They could be the bad habits, or maybe just the timewasters that annoy you. Or they might be the thoughts of fear, anxiety, and doubt. You have to drive them away.

Because they’ll take your eye off the sacrifice, what Jesus did at the Cross, on which all our hope and happiness depends.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Drive Off the Birds

You have to drive the birds away.

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