Empty Space

Feb 7, 2017 2209

Radio Version:

Empty Space

Did you know there are over 7 billion people alive in the world right now?

If makes you wonder how God could possibly love all of us. But the Bible says He does. It tells us we are deeply, desperately, and continuously loved.

In fact, God loves us so much he wants to spend eternity with us. 1 Peter chapter 1 says,

In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead

Because Jesus has overcome death, when you believe in him, you are filled with new life through his Spirit. A life that’s full of joy and hope and purpose, and a life that never ends.

In God’s eyes, you are worth so much that Christ died on the cross, so you might have eternal life. He wants you – and every other person on this earth – to enter Heaven… and we can if we trust in Jesus.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Empty Space

There’s no need to worry about empty space.

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