Everlasting Righteousness

May 26, 2016 1391

For the Scriptures tell us, “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith (Rom. 4:3).

Christ came to bring in an everlasting righteousness. God might justly have made an end of the sin by making an end of the sinner. But Christ found out another way, and so made an end of sin as to save the sinner from it, by providing a righteousness for him.

We are all guilty before God, and shall be condemned as guilty, if we have not a righteousness wherein to appear before him. Had we stood, our innocence would have been our righteousness, but, having fallen, we must have something else to plead, and Christ has provided us a plea. The merit of his sacrifice is our righteousness,with this we answer all the demands of the law; Christ has died, yes, rather, has risen again. This Christ is the Lord our righteousness, for he is made of God unto us righteousness, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

By faith we apply this to ourselves and plead it with God, and our faith is imputed to us for righteousness. This is an everlasting righteousness. It was from everlasting in the counsels of it, and will be to everlasting in the consequences of it. The application of it was from the beginning, for Christ was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, and it will be to the end, for he is able to save to the uttermost. It is of everlasting virtue.

– Adapted from Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible

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