Does Faith Require No Doubts?
Sep 13, 2017 1776
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Does Faith Require No Doubts?
We all have faith in something. It’s not just a religious idea. You sit on a chair and you assume that it won’t collapse under you. You wake up in the morning and you assume that your family and friends haven’t abandoned you.
Having faith doesn’t mean you’re irrational. Neither does it mean that you don’t have your doubts or questions at times.
The faith which connects us with God is not the same thing as intellectual certainty, or the absence of intellectual doubts. In fact, if that were the case, then we wouldn’t need faith at all!
Faith is trust and reliance on another. The power of saving faith is not in the faith at all, but rather in the one in whom we trust. It is more about heart than head. It’s a relationship thing. Remember, we trust in Jesus Christ because we know him. And the more we learn to trust him, the more we’ll know him.
The power of saving faith is not in the faith itself, but rather in the one in whom we trust.
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