Father Who Sees From Afar

Feb 7, 2018 2719

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Father Who Sees From Afar

When I was a kid, we lived in an apartment, and they started to build a new block of apartments right next door.

Back then safety wasn’t such a big deal, so it was easy to get onto the building site, and what a fantastic playground it was! One day I was standing on the edge of an unfinished balcony a few stories up when suddenly I was startled by the booming voice of my father.

It turns out that a big kid behind me was just about to push me over the edge, and my father, who had been watching from our own balcony, yelled out just in time to save me, scaring the big kid off.

The point of that story is that we all have a Father in heaven who loves us, and is there to save us.

No matter how far away you think you may be from God, you have a father who sees from afar. Remember: He’s always there for you.

Eliezer Gonzalez

The Father Who Sees From Afar

We all have a Father in heaven who loves us and is there to save us.

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