Forgiven People Forgive
Feb 3, 2017 2000
Radio Version:
Forgiven People Forgive
I once owed a friend a whole lot of money, and I knew that I couldn’t pay it back. I lay awake at night tossing and turning, just thinking about it.
I was stunned – and delighted – when my friend handed me a piece of paper saying the debt was cancelled forever.
Jesus told a story of a man like me who owed an impossible amount of money. Incredibly, his debt was completely forgiven! But this same man then turned around and demanded payment from someone who owed him just a few dollars.
His debt was forgiven. But he refused to forgive others.
Christians are people who have been forgiven the largest debt of all. And how we treat others will show whether we have truly accepted or rejected God’s forgiveness of us.
Is there someone in your life you’re withholding forgiveness from? Christ has forgiven you … and you and I must forgive others too.

How we treat others will show whether we have truly accepted or rejected God’s forgiveness of us. Forgiven people forgive.
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