Forgiveness and Health
Feb 15, 2017 1610
Radio Version:
Forgiveness and Health
Studies have shown that forgiving others is great for your health. The benefits include lowering the risk of heart attack, improving cholesterol levels, improving sleep, reducing blood pressure, and pain, as well as improving mental health.
Peter was a guy who wanted to put a limit on how many times he should forgive, so he asked Jesus if he should forgive someone seven times. Jesus basically told him to just forgive and keep on forgiving.
It’s not easy when someone has done you wrong, to just let it go and really forgive them, is it?
But it’s a lot easier when we really start to understand just how much God has forgiven us. The Bible tells us that “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us” (1 John 1:9).
Accepting God’s forgiveness for ourselves is the first step in forgiving others. Give thanks for God’s forgiveness… and then pass it on to someone else.

Accepting God’s forgiveness for ourselves is the first step in forgiving others.
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