Freedom From Fear
Jun 8, 2017 2397
Radio Version:
Freedom From Fear
I was once walking in a city in the USA when I realised I’d ended up in a pretty suspicious neighbourhood. At one intersection there was a drug deal going down. On the opposite corner I think there was someone being mugged. And there were groups of guys just lounging against the walls, eyeing me off.
I turned around and walked right back the way I’d come. I felt the fear!
There’s many ways to feel the fear. It can be in your own home, or even just in your own mind. We’ve all been there.
The Bible tells us that:
The Spirit that we received is not a spirit that makes us slaves again to fear. The Spirit that we have makes us children of God. And with that Spirit we say, “Father, dear Father.”
That’s the reality we must walk in. And when we do that, fear can have no hold over us.

You can have freedom from fear.
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