From Eliezer To You

Mar 23, 2016 1576


Dear Friend,

Today, I’m missing my daughter Rebecca.

She’s been on a month-long mission to Uganda, sharing the Gospel, leading people to baptism, and blessing impoverished women and babies. She is 19, and has never been so far away or away for so long. At least I know that by the time you read this, Rebecca should be safely back home.

I’m missing my daughter, but I’m missing Jesus more.

As Christians, our heart both jumps with joy and aches with longing. This is the paradox we all face. We know God is with us, yet we want more of him.

But because Jesus hasn’t put an end to this world as it is, you and I have a job to do. That’s why at GNU, we are all about Spreading the Word Fast.

When you embrace the Gospel Commission, the boundaries come off – the whole world is your mission. And with your support and God’s blessing, we want to continue to grow and Spread the Word Fast in a sustainable way.

Friends like you are helping build a gospel ministry that by the grace of God, will spread the Word until all of God’s sheep are home in the kingdom made new. And in the pages of this newsletter, you’ll read some inspiring stories about how you’re helping make that happen!

Until then, there is still much work to do. So, thank you for being part of this amazing journey of faith through your prayers and gifts!

Grace and Peace,

Senior Pastor, Good News Unlimited


Eliezer Gonzalez

Apr 3, 2016

Dear Stewart. If you have understood the words that you have written, then you have grasped the most important thing in life. Everything else will be added unto you (Matt 6:33). Grace and peace Eliezer

Stewart Geoffrey

Mar 28, 2016

Thanks be to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for putting you Gonzalez Eliezer in my life and for bringing me hope for salvation, knowing that God's love is eternal. Though we don't deserve it but by His grace, I am saved. Thank you Pastor.

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