From her wheelchair, Jackie shares ‘Jesus Only’ in Rwanda
Jun 9, 2015 2106
More than ten years ago, at age 15, Jackie fell from a speeding lorry. She spent many months in a coma, and during this time friends and family people prayed that Jackie would not continue to suffer, but that she would pass away and rest in peace.

Jackie with Sammy, who visited her last year from Brussels.
Jackie survived, but was left paralysed from the waist down, her body wasting away. But during those early days of suffering, Jackie gave her life to Jesus Christ.
“God made me survive,” says Jackie. “I soon realised that in this accident God was calling me to be a witness of his saving love to my peers as well as to my Muslim family.”
After her recovery, Jackie’s visitors were amazed at her hope and joy as she pointed them to Jesus. She told them, “The One I have is able. The present suffering is nothing and it does not trouble me. Having Jesus is everything.”
And then, through a Good News Unlimited book distribution in Rwanda, Jackie received a copy of Jesus Only by Desmond Ford.
“On seeing the title”, Jackie says, “something happened in me, something I cannot explain. On reading the book, hope and assurance was born in me like never before, and then I understood everything that had happened to me. I saw clearly my mission, while living in this dead body.”
Jesus Only has given Jackie a greater understanding of her life and of God’s love and care.
“Every chapter speaks to my heart. This book has confirmed many things I held on to, and has scattered all darkness and fear. I am overflowing with joy, I have Jesus, and I rejoice in lifting up his name while I am down here (on earth). My many visitors will continue hearing the name of Jesus from my lips until I stop breathing.”
Many of Jackie’s family and friends have since come to Christ as she passionately presents the gospel, and shares the great message of Jesus Only to her many visitors.
Jackie shares, “I am amazed that this book came to me, God knew I needed it in my life and for my witnessing. I am now sharing the book with my visitors. They are in great need of this book.”
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