Get Your Praise From God

Mar 11, 2019 33084

Get Your Praise from God

People are like mirrors. We look at them and think that we see ourselves in what we see reflected back. If we see things like forgiveness and love, then we believe ourselves to be worthy of forgiveness and love. If, on the other hand, we see unforgiveness and rejection, then we believe ourselves to be unforgivable and unacceptable.

The more that we desire someone’s love, the more that we will believe that how they treat us is the truth about ourselves. This can happen with parents, with husbands, wives, and others close to us, and it can lead to very unhealthy relationships. These negative relationships are the symptom of deeper core issues, around how you value yourself and how you see God.

I know. It’s a sad truth that I have lived for most of my life this way. And I am not alone. Many people struggle with this. Some are aware of it, but most people aren’t.

We were never meant to live this way. We were never meant to derive our love and acceptance from others.

When you learn to get your praise from God, you’ll learn to trust in what he thinks more than what others think.

We live in a world of billions of sinful, selfish human beings. And they’re all running around  judging and trying to diminish others in order to build themselves up. What a mess you’ll end up being if you try go get your value from others, whoever they may be!

Even if they are godly people, their opinion of you will always fall infinitely short of the love and acceptance with which God sees you.

In Romans 2:29, the Bible tells us where we need to learn to get our praise from:

…a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people (Rom 2:29, NLT).

Having someone say something good about you is nice, and if someone really does loves you, that’s even better. But even that isn’t enough to give you the strength to get through life’s euphoric highs and devastating lows. And it’s certainly not enough to maintain a faith that will keep you connected with God.

Christian growth is all about grow in relationship. It’s based on an ever-increasing understanding of just how good God is. It’s about tapping in every day into his love for you. It’s about understanding that in Jesus, God not only fully accepts you, but that he absolutely delights in you, and will do so forever.

God doesn’t love some fairy-tale image of you. He loves you just as you are right now.

And God isn’t loving some fairy-tale, perfect image of you that doesn’t exist. He loves you just as you are right now, with all of your hang-ups, hurts, and habits. He accepts you just like that. And God delights when you just hand all these things over to him by recognising and accepting his love. That’s when your healing and life-transformation begins.

Other people judge you by your past or your circumstances. But they don’t know that you’re a child of God. Their opinion doesn’t count.

When you learn to get your praise from God, you’ll learn to trust in what he thinks more than what others think. You’ll have the strength to make the tough decisions in life, because you’ll depend on God, and not on your acceptance with others.

Your strength will be the strength of nail-scarred hands, an open tomb forever, and the endless love of God’s ceaseless love.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Raghi jayaram

Aug 13, 2020

Amen .

Eliezer Gonzalez

Jul 13, 2020

The freedom of God is freedom from the guilt of sin, which is followed by freedom from its power. It's freedom to live as his child, and not as a slave.

William Armour

Jul 12, 2020

What is the freedom of God?

Chistophine Amunyela

Feb 22, 2020

Thanks a lot for a good news and bring us close to our creator. May Almighty one bless you keep on inspiring the world of God


Jan 8, 2020

Without love one can't please God,Amen & glory be to the almighty God

Mesfin Biljo Shanka

Dec 7, 2019

Hi dear ,my name is Mesfin Biljo. I'm from Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of East Africa country. God is living for all of us . thanks for your great message .God bless you .

Nii Allotey Latif

Nov 15, 2019

God bless you man of God

Eliezer Gonzalez

Oct 9, 2019

We have some free books available here: You can purchase others here:

Daniel Sichilongo

Jul 14, 2019

thank you for the word of God well explained my guestion is how can l buy or acguire your books.?thank you


Jun 16, 2019

Thank you for your message, may God bless you and your family amen


May 29, 2019

Thank you so much sir! You are truly God's messenger. ❤


May 21, 2019

I thank you for all the efforts with love that you showed to me, God will continue to bless you mightily in Jesus name.


May 12, 2019

I am proud of you for such a powerful message to my Life.shalom


May 2, 2019

God Bless you Eliezer your words have been a true blessing and so true.... Thank you.

Jeremia Negumbo

Apr 14, 2019

Thanks a lot for the good message, it make me strong trust my Lord Christ and Mighty Father. May God bless you more.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Apr 9, 2019

Hello Ernest - I can understand how you feel. You are not the only one who experiences these moments. Despite your feelings, God loves you and sees you as his cherished child. I have sent your name on to our Prayer Warriors around the world to uplift in prayer. Grace and peace - Eliezer

Fajendagba Akanni Adewale

Mar 27, 2019

I love this it fortify me to always look to GOD for approval and not Men's praise,thanks a lot,your source in Christ will not dry out in Jesus Christ name amen.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Mar 22, 2019

Praise the Lord for this! I am truly glad for you!

Juma Praise

Mar 22, 2019

Thanks a lot, I am changed now by this powerful word. I have been that person who has been living and serving God based on what those in high positions say. For many times have been hurt and broken down by their comments. But thank God, for this message: I now feel free inside of you. am actually filled with joy unexplainable. Glory be to God for his love


Mar 18, 2019

My heart is down, very disappointed with my life. Everything i do i fell, I need your prayer ..prayer, prayer is what i need from you..i'm extremely despair pray for me

Sylvanus Esther

Mar 18, 2019

Thanks, the message come at the right time, God bless you.

Vijay Degio

Mar 18, 2019

My LORD i need you come to my heart guide me with yours Angeles.....thank you for message

A. Johnson

Mar 18, 2019

Thanks ever so much for this message, I actually need God in my life. Best one from you

Abigail Kajokoto

Mar 18, 2019

Thank you. Powerful. There was this time I was looking down on myself until I found true love from God. Now he is my strength. People may Judge us but God loves as.


Mar 18, 2019

I am in great need of such a message, God bless you.

James McGivern

Mar 15, 2019

This is awesome Eliezer! Open the eyes of our hearts Lord! We want to see You!!

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