Give today and reach TWICE as many people for Jesus!

Your gift below will be doubled through our Matching fund to help meet our $120,000 Jesus Only goal. That means you’ll make twice the difference as you help…

  • Translate and distribute copies of Des’ book, Jesus Only, in the Czech Republic and the Philippines;
  • Publish more copies of Jesus Only in African languages;
  • Publish new books by Des Ford for free distribution;
  • Present a Jesus Only evangelistic seminar in Czech Republic;
  • Hold evangelistic outreaches in places like Africa, India, and the Philippines;
  • Broadcast Jesus Only radio and television programs in places like India and Africa and provide copies of Jesus Only for listeners.

It’s a real blessing to have such faithful friends like you who give generously to see Jesus glorified in hearts and lives all over the world.

Thank you for your contribution below!