Show the Love of Jesus to Needy Souls Through GNU

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2) The amounts in the boxes above are approximations, as the actual amounts vary from country to country. The amounts include all administrative overheads in respect of the activities.

3) Selecting a box above does not mean that your gift will be used specifically for that purpose. All gifts given through this online form will be used for any current appeal or where most needed, considering note 1 above, unless otherwise separately organised with GNU. The descriptions in the boxes do not encompass all the activities of GNU.

Grown Up Students Now Working at the Good News Children’s Care Centre – Nandiwada India 1 1

When You Give, You’re Sharing Hope and Joy

Chancumma is a young girl in India whose family lived by catching and eating rats and snakes. She didn’t used to go to school. Now, thanks to your ministry through GNU, not only has she learnt to read, but she is also teaching other children to read the Bible. In her community, many families have come to know Christ, and their lives have been transformed. She says,

I was born a Hindu and I did not know about the holy Bible. But through GNU I learned how to read the Bible. And I learned how to serve and teach the other children to read it too.

God could be doing more to reach lost souls with the Good News of Jesus Christ. However, God is waiting for you and me to open our hearts, and to work with him.

We need your help to continue sharing the Good News about Jesus, in India and around the world, with those who need to find eternal life and joy.

GNU needs $30,000 to continue reaching hundreds of thousands of people for Jesus. We desperately want to do more for Jesus, and together with you, we will! Please give generously.