Help to Share the Gospel

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1) Tax deductible receipts can only be issued to Australian tax payers for gifts above $2. Tax-deductible gifts can only be used for media work in Australia.

2) The amounts in the boxes above are approximations, as the actual amounts vary from country to country. The amounts include all administrative overheads in respect of the activities.

3) Selecting a box above does not mean that your gift will be used specifically for that purpose. All gifts given through this online form will be used for any current appeal or where most needed, considering note 1 above, unless otherwise separately organised with GNU. The descriptions in the boxes do not encompass all the activities of GNU.

Jesus said that “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Luke 10:2). Thank you for being one of God’s labourers by supporting the ministry Good News Unlimited.

Your generous gift today will help us reach our $29,000 goal so that we can continue sharing the Gospel with many, and especially the outcasts and rejects of society.

Some people have a long and difficult journey before they find the Good News about Jesus. Like Victor. We found him just in time, when he had given up on life. And now he says,

I believe that somehow God will achieve his purpose in my life.


And when you help to share the Gospel, God is also achieving his purpose in your life too.

Thank you for aligning your heart with God’s, and giving generously.

Grace and peace,

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Eliezer Gonzalez, Senior Pastor

Good News Unlimited