Unlimited: Pray for the Glory of God to Fill the Earth

Sep 3, 2018 4232

Unlimited: Pray for the Glory of God to Fill the Earth

Let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen (Psalm 72:19, NKJV).

There are times when to pray for just one person is enough to stagger us. To intercede for a whole city needs a vast amount of faith. But how far-reaching was the psalmist’s request: “Let the whole earth be filled with his glory.”

This prayer does not ignore a single country, however crushed it might be under the foot of superstition. This prayer is uttered for every culture and race. It encompasses the entire earth, leaving out not even one son or daughter of Adam.

Is this your prayer? Turn your eyes to Calvary. Look at the Lord of Life nailed to a cross. When you feel his blood applied to your guilt, and when you know that he has blotted out your sins, how can you avoid falling to your knees and crying out, “Let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.”

How can you bow before your crucified Saviour in loving homage, and not wish to see your King the master of the world? How can you pretend to love Prince Jesus and not desire to see him be the universal ruler?

Your religion is worthless unless it leads you to wish for that same mercy that God has extended to you to bless the whole world. – Charles Spurgeon (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection:  In practical terms, how large is your ambition for the kingdom of God? Is it only for yourself? Your family? Your city? Your society? The world? Eternity? Challenge yourself with the question, “Why is my ambition for God still so small?”

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