Meet Shiney, GNU Teacher

Sep 12, 2018 2698

GNU Teacher Profile 3: Shiney

Shiney is committed to living for Jesus.

Sister Shiney has been appointed at the Good News Children’s Care Centre as a Bible teacher and singing teacher. She has studied at Bible College for 5 years and she is good at teaching, praying with the children and singing. It is a great blessing to the Good News Children’s Care Centre.

Shiney is 20 years old. She was born into a traditional Hindu family but her great grand mother accepted Jesus and soon her whole family also accepted him. Due to a sickness at a young age, Shiney was dedicated to God by her grandmother.

As she was growing up she went to church without much faith. But one day she fell seriously sick and all her family members prayed together. God healed her sickness and it was decided she would do God’s work. So she was sent to Bible College where she studied theology. And she is very happy to serve and help the Gospel Evangelism work. I give thanks to Jesus.

Here is an interview I had with her:

Could you please tell us about yourself?

My name is Shiney. I am from Areperralla village.

When did you accept Jesus into your life?

When I was small girl I accepted Jesus.

Could you tell us about your family?

My Daddy is an auto rickshaw driver and my Mommy is a housewife. I have two elder sisters.


“My life is dedicated to Jesus to serve and spread the Holy Gospel”


How did you come to know about the Good News Children’s Care Centre?

I learned about it through watching the GNU TV Programme, and through Pr Joseph conducting Gospel meetings in my village 5 times. At these meetings many people accepted Jesus and even former Hindus accepted him and changed their way of life.

How did you join the Good News Children’s Care Centre?

I watched the GNU TV Programme and then called Pr Joseph, who hosts the programme, on the phone to see how I could help spread the Gospel. So I am so touched and moved by the Good News Children’s Care Centre’s work and the Gospel work.

How is your family now? Are they happy?

Yes, my parents are very happy and my two sisters are married and my life is dedicated to Jesus to serve and spread the Holy Gospel all around.

What would you say about your life?

My life is full of God’s blessings and gifts. God has given to me the ability to sing and pray and serve others and children. So I am so happy at the Good News Children’s Care Centre. It is God who has brought me here, and my parents also are so happy. So all my life I will serve and spread the Holy Gospel and do the work of God. Thanks to you all in Christ.

– Pr Joseph Usala

Help Spread the Word Fast

Tom Durst

Mar 23, 2019

Testimonies like this are SO encouraging and uplifting. The power of the Holy Spirit to save and heal didn't end with the Book of Acts. That was just the beginning!


Mar 23, 2019

I am greatly happy for someone like you. You're one in a million, what the Lord is doing in you is touching. I pray for more of you all over the world, I want to share your story on WhatsApp to all my contacts but I can't. The Lord bless you more in Jesus Christ name Amen.


Mar 23, 2019

What a blessed. May God richly bless you, and guide always through.The holy spirit. May you be touched by the HOLY spirit as a testimony of how Jesus can lift you up with his power,through the HOLY spirit. May your prayers be answered, and. May the hand of God touch you, as a reminder that he is and that Jesus lives in our hearts. Thank you for your testimony.

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