God is Greater Than Our Hearts
Sep 13, 2017 3116
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God is Greater Than Our Hearts
Have you ever said to someone, “Follow your heart”? I have, for example when talking to my teenage children about their possible career choices.
That’s generally good advice. But there is one problem.
Actually, our hearts often betray us. Have you ever been in love, and then realised later that it was a terrible mistake?
And our hearts often condemn us with guilt and regret.
There’s a great verse in the Bible that has encouraged me when I my feelings have tried to drag me down. It says:
If our hearts condemn us… God is greater than our hearts.
You can have God’s blessing despite your wayward feelings. And here is the greatest blessing of all:
Blessed is the one against whom the Lord will never count sin.
Yes, your heart will condemn you. But when it does, remember that God is greater than your heart. He will never count sin against you, as long as you trust in him.
God will never count sin against you as long as you trust in him.
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