God Has Given You Everything You Need

Feb 17, 2017 2112

Radio Version:

God Has Given You Everything You Need

The other day I was coming back from the supermarket. Suddenly, I had this vague feeling that there was something I’d missed. Don’t you hate it when you have to rush back to the shops for something you need!

Here’s good news! God’s already given us everything we need to live in this world. If there’s anything else we’ll need in the future, he’ll give it to us. And if he hasn’t given it to us yet, it’s because we don’t need it!

God’s even given us the greatest gift of all, the gift of Jesus at Calvary, through whom our sins are forgiven.

The Apostle Paul said,

I have learned how to be content with whatever I have (Phil 4:11).

So have you ever had that feeling like there’s something you’ve missed in life? If God is in your life, then you can face each day confident that you haven’t missed a thing.

Eliezer Gonzalez

God Has Given You Everything You Need

God has given you everything you need. If he is in your life, you haven’t missed a thing.

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