God’s Bad Rap
Sep 7, 2017 2740
Radio Version:
God’s Bad Rap
When I was a bit younger, I didn’t know I had a reputation… but I did, and it wasn’t a good one! I had a reputation for being judgmental and harsh. I hope I’ve changed for the better!
The thing about religion is that God’s got a bad rap as well.
There’s heaps of people who see God as unfair, demanding and authoritarian. And they choose not to believe in the existence of such a God. Fair enough!
But the God of the Bible is far better, far more wonderful than we can ever imagine. The Psalms in the Bible are full of statements like,
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise.
To prove it to you, God sent Jesus into this world to show you his love and to give you a future.
You owe it to yourself to make the effort to get to know God, because the upside is for ever!
God’s bad rap has resulted in many people not believing in him. But the God of the Bible is far better, far more wonderful, than we can ever imagine.
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