What Should Be Our Greatest Fear?

Dec 12, 2014 2446

By Des Ford, Founder


Men may deny God, but only the insane can deny the reality of good and evil. But without God, these are only illusions. All who have lived through decades of the ups and downs of this world know good and evil are realities that prove that God also is a reality.

You would have noticed that the word ‘good’ is an expansion of ‘God’, and that ‘evil’ is a contraction of the word ‘devil’. This linguistic hint must be taken seriously.

Only humans have conscience and a unique consciousness. They testify to our Creator. What keeps many people awake at night is nothing physical but searing regrets. These can only be taken away by the gospel.

To know that this Man “receiveth sinners” (Luke 15:2) and goes to visit sinners (Luke 19:7) to give them invaluable bestowments is the best news ever. Though we are worse than we have ever suspected, God is better than we have ever hoped.

If a picture of the Crucifixion was thrown on the screen during a theatre interval, there would be a strange silence. Something within tells us that we were in part responsible for that evil, but whispers also the reality of God’s love for the guilty.

What then have we to fear? Only ourselves – only unbelief. With all our hearts, let us regularly tell God “I believe” even if in sotto voce we also whisper “Help thou my unbelief”. Little Faith saves as surely as that possessed by Greatheart. Such is God’s infinite generosity (Romans 1:16; 10:13).

Tony Cook

Dec 18, 2014

Beautiful Des, comforting and reassuring - love you mate

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