He Changed My Life and Now I Witness for Him – Joseph Usala
Oct 24, 2013 2054
Dear Loving Pastor
I greet you in the love of Jesus Christ who has died for us in order to save our lives from sin. I am Pastor Joseph Usala. I have been doing God’s from one year ago among the Hindus in India. I have been praying and preaching the word of God in the unreached interior villages where people are living in thatched huts. It is the Holy Spirit who has called me, revealed to me that I must do God’s work, and led me in everything.
Actually, I was born and raised up in the Roman Catholic Church. I learned about the Roman Catholic Church for ten years, and was training in theology, for the priesthood. I left the Roman Catholics during my first year of theology.
I became a schoolteacher and taught English for ten years. During all these ten years I was praying to God that he would reveal the truth and His will to me.
One day after school, as I was gong home on my motorbike with my son in the darkness, I had an accident with another motorbike. Nothing happened to my son or to me. It was a big miracle for me and to all of the people who saw it. After that accident I left my job and decided to follow Jesus Christ’s footsteps and to preach his life-changing teachings.
Now I travel from village to village preaching the gospel among the Hindus full-time. I base my ministry simply on the Bible as best as I can. I do God’s work and proclaim the good news in various interior villages where the believers have arranged to use the common community halls for praying and preaching. At the moment I am working in three villages where there are orphans and old-aged people who suffer from lack of food and proper clothes and education. I have been looking after them in a limited way. I teach them the Word of God and give them spiritual strength, faith, and courage. Recently I have rented a room near these villages so that I can better serve God there.
I am also the overseer of an orphanage that is partially assisted by another church. But my ministry is only my own. I call it Gethsemane Power Ministries, because it expresses my desire to follow the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am also a Sabbath-keeper. The mission of this ministry is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached people, and especially the poor and needy.
Many of these people are uneducated, and they do not have an understanding of the gospel. They live very simple lives and many of them are from Hindu backgrounds. The gospel has not been preached in these villages. But the people also suffer from lack of dinking water, and because of this many of them get sicknesses and they have been suffering from different disease. At present, medical care and medical camps are also needed.
Because of Indian culture, it is difficult to change the minds of the people. It can take a lot of time for them to change to another way of life. So we must have a lot of patience and teach them the Word of God frequently. But once they change their way of life, they certainly try to live according to their faith in Christ.
I am forever thankful to God that he saved my life and my son’s life. I know that God has called me to do his tremendous work: to preach the good news to the poor and needy all over the interior villages of India. My strong desire is to save these lost souls in India, so I request that you kindly remember me, and the ministry that I am doing for Christ, in your precious prayers.
Really, it is the Holy Spirit that made me to contact you. I have seen your wonderful website and I have read about your ministry. I am so happy and glad to join with your ministry. Your books and printed messages and videos are very, very necessary for my ministry. I can help to translate into my language, Telugu. I have a brother who can translate into Hindi. I am very happy and glad to suggest that we shall work together to spread the gospel in India. Loving pastor, you are most welcome to my place when you come to India on your next trip. I will be delighted to see you and meet you in Christ.
My ministry also needs a mike because I do not have a mike to speak. The old age people also need help. They have been living in thatch huts and without anyone there to look after them. I am preaching the Word of God to them, so that even at their age they may know about Jesus Christ and enter into the kingdom of God.
I thank you a lot in Christ for giving me the great opportunity to share my life’s story with Good News Unlimited.
Your loving servant in Christ
Pastor and Evangelist Joseph
Andhrapradesh, India
What a great story from Pr Joseph. I look forward to hearing more about his great work in India!
Oct 25, 2013
Brother Joseph, We thank God for your ministry. You are in the best business on earth, may you grow daily and God multiply your ministry. Christ, the saviour of the world will stand by you as you go about with Him. God bless and sustain your ministry.