He Understands Our Pain

Feb 8, 2016 1750

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother, Mary, was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child (Matthew 1:18).

Mary’s pregnancy initially took Joseph by surprise. Because he was a good man he decided to divorce her quietly, not wanting to cause her public embarrassment. The rest of the villagers in Nazareth, however, assumed that she had possibly been involved with a Roman soldier. Later the Pharisees taunted Jesus, chanting, “We know who our father is!” In other words, they were insinuating
that Jesus did not know who his father was.

How would you feel if you were standing in Jesus’ shoes at that time? I would expect that you would find those accusations very hurtful.

Jesus knew the pain that we have to bear many times throughout our lives. That pain, if we carry it alone, robs us of inner peace. But Christ does not want us to leave him out of the picture by carrying such burdens on our own shoulders when he has already borne them on his shoulders for us. Because he has already taken our pain to the cross we should leave it there and not try to recover it. Rest in the salvation he has won for you through his shed blood; rest in the security of knowing that Jesus died for you. The assurance that you are eternally saved is found in him alone.

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