Higher than the Stars

Feb 15, 2017 1882

Radio Version:

Higher Than The Stars

When I get out of the city lights, especially when I’m camping, I love to gaze at the magnificent Milky Way stretching out across the night sky. as I wait for the shooting stars, I think about the immensity of it all.

How high are those stars? With the naked eye, the most distant star we can see is in the Cassiopeia constellation, about 16,000 light years away.

When the Bible tries to explain how much God loves us, it uses the ideas of height and depth. It says that the God’s love for us is higher and deeper than anything we can imagine. Psalm 108 says,

For great is your love, higher than the heavens;

In Romans 8, it says,

…neither height nor depth… is able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Next time you look at the stars, think about this: God loves you beyond anything you can measure.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Higher Than the Stars

God’s love for you is higher than the stars.

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