Are You Holding On To The True Christ?
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Jan 19, 2015 3037
– by Martin Luther
who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father – Galatians 1:4, NIV.
This is the reason why I plead with you, with all my heart, that you learn the true definition of Christ beginning with these words of Paul, “That He gave Himself for our sins”.
If He gave Himself for our sins, then without doubt He’s no tyrant or judge that will then turn around and condemn us for them. He does not crush the distressed but rather picks up the fallen. He is a merciful encourager and comforter of all those whose hearts are tired and heavy burdened. Otherwise Paul would be lying when he says, “He gave Himself for our sins”. If I so define Christ, it’s a correct definition, then I hold on to the true Christ, and I can fully trust that He belongs to me.
And at this point I let go of all curious speculations about God’s divine nature. I only keep Christ’s humanity, and thus I truly learn the will of God. Here I have no fears but only sweetness, joy, a conscience at peace and similar things. Here a light shines that illumines the true knowledge of God, of my own self, and of every creature, and of all evil in the kingdom of the devil.
We don’t teach new things, but repeat what has been established from old, the teachings of the apostles and all pious people before us. Oh that we would teach and establish them in such a way that they are present not only in our mouths, but also fully established in the very depths of our heart. Thus we will be able to use them in suffering and in the final struggle with death.
– From comments on Galatians 1:4, Martin Luther’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535). Translation from the Latin by Haroldo S. Camacho. With thanks to Dr Camacho for his translation. Paragraphs added by Eliezer Gonzalez for the purpose of this post.
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