How A Village Came to Know God and His Love – Bhushanagulla, India
Sep 12, 2019 2257
By the grace of God I have started preaching the Gospel weekly on Friday among the Hindu families in the village of Bhushanagulla, India. It is the third time that I have conducted a Gospel meeting there. The first meeting was held on the road in the street. A young lady who was Hindu accepted Jesus and gave permission to conduct the following prayer meetings every Friday under her hut roof.
So there were 25 elderly people and a few young few people and two blind people. They are so interested to listen to the Holy Gospel. It is the first time they have heard about Jesus and the Holy Bible. So at the third Gospel meeting 15 people accepted Jesus and they are so happy.
Their family conditions are very poor and they do not have any rice to eat. So every week we bring 5kg of rice to provide them with food and preach the Holy Gospel. We pray for their health and for their lives to change.
In this village there is a Hindu temple where the village people do rituals and festivals for three days every year. So in the beginning there was opposition from the influential Hindu people. But by seeing the way we serve the poor widows and the elderly people and the blind, they are so impressed and now they are okay with us preaching. So God has been doing great things to spread the Holy Gospel and save souls in Christ Jesus.
By seeing the way we serve the poor widows and the elderly people and the blind, they are so impressed
The people who come for the Gospel meetings watch our GNU TV programme every week without missing any and they are so interested in listening to the Word of God and growing in the love of Jesus.
The elder of the village is named Venkatrao and he came for the first time to the Gospel meeting and accepted Jesus into his life despite being Hindu from birth. He said,
God is good and I never heard about Jesus and it is the first time I heard the Holy Gospel and learned about the real God. My entire life is changed by hearing the Holy Gospel. I give thanks to Jesus in all my life.
We have been praying for a piece of land where I can build another Good News Divine Centre and preach the Holy Gospel to all the Hindu people. God has been leading and guiding me and my Good News Divine Centre team members to spread the Holy Gospel in various villages weekly and monthly.
– Pr Joseph Usala
Sep 30, 2019
The LORD is Great and wonderful, glory to God for the Salvation He gives to All who come to Him,Thank you Jesus.hold unto, Him He never fails.