How Jesus Heals Your Life
Feb 4, 2019 7622

It’s natural for us to want Jesus to just appear and heal our wounds and hurts instantaneously. But often, that’s not how Jesus works.
When Jesus did mighty works and miracles while on earth, his healings were usually immediate and dramatic. But there is one miracle which he did that was different, and through it, he wanted to teach you and me very important lessons about how he works to heal our lives. You read about it in Mark 8:22–26, but I’ll tell you what happened.
Jesus came to the village of Bethsaida, and a crowd of the locals brought a blind man to him to be healed.
But Jesus didn’t just speak a word and heal him instantaneously in front of them all.
You see, Jesus knew this man. He knew that his problems were more than just blindness. With blindness had come the rejection of his community. His dignity and sense of self had been swallowed up in the scorn of his community. The common belief was that such a disability was due to having been rejected by God for his sin. How could he not agree?
Jesus knew that this man needed not only healing for his eyes, but for his soul. And so Jesus did a wonderful thing.
He took this man by the hand, and gently led him to a quiet place outside the village, away from the gaze of those who had hurt him so much. And that’s the first lesson: that healing only begins when you find yourself along with Jesus, and when you allow him to lead you by the hand.
You have to let Jesus spit in your eye.
Then Jesus spit in the man’s eyes. That doesn’t sound right, does it? But that’s exactly what Jesus did: he spit in the man’s eyes. And then Jesus put his hands on him. This is the second lesson. If you want healing, you’ll need to put down the barriers that you’ve built around your heart, and you’ll need to be real and raw with Jesus. You need to let him touch you more personally than ever before, even if it means he has to spit in your eye.
But the miracle doesn’t happen right away. It’s a process. After Jesus touches him, the man opens his eyes and he is only partially healed. His eyesight is only partially restored. He can see something, but not clearly.
Jesus is the great Worker of Miracles. However his miracles sometimes take time. That’s true of his miracle of healing your life. It may even take years. The man could have given up and said, “You’re a fraud! This isn’t what I’ve heard that you do for others! I’m going home!” But he didn’t. He stayed with Jesus.
When Jesus has healed you, he wants you to not be hurt again.
And then, when Jesus had touched the man’s eyes again, his sight was restored, with finally perfect vision. Sometimes we need Jesus to touch our pain more than once so that we might be healed. Sometimes we may need to receive his healing touch many times.
It’s also significant that Jesus sent him straight home, and told him not to return to the crowds in the village. He did that so that he would not be hurt by them again. When Jesus has healed you, he wants you to not be hurt again.
What about you? What’s the deepest hurt of your heart?
Jesus knew that this blind man’s heart was so wounded that he needed a slow and gentle healing. And the man continued to trust in Christ. Are you doing the same?
– Eliezer Gonzalez

Thanks for this message, I highly appreciate the good work.
Heart touching massage
Thank you for the message. I am very thankful.
Thanks for this important message about how much Jesus Christ loves us however we're sinner. Me too want Jesus Christ to be with me, heal my pains
Thanks for the great message it helps me understand God's way of dealing with our problems.
am grateful for the word of God...thanks
Thanks for the truth of Gods word...i now know the reality of the story and its process in aligning our lives in the community and the kind of healing performed to suit the situation
Thanks for the wonderful message from Jesus to mankind. Inspired to help spread the Gospel.
Very good message for those who have not yet received Jesus. Fai Ernest in Cameroon
Thanks for the word, Im grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ
juliana Akinlade
Mar 24, 2019
Thanks for this messages is realy good to know how Jesuse Christ works