How the Book “Jesus Only” Changed My Life – One Translator’s Story (Pr Patrick Masita Bundi, Kenya)

Jul 29, 2014 2467

I begin this story by submitting that a university without a right professor is like a restaurant with a kitchen but without right chief. I make this humble submission without any reservation whatsoever. This is because am convicted beyond reasonable doubts that the opportunity to translate this book,”Jesus Only,” written by Dr Desmond Ford, was the most profound humbling experience, even a life game-changer in my theological biblical approach. To God be the glory!

patrickIt all begum when i received a call from a friend of mine, Joash Nyasende; a former Radio presenter of Kisima FM, that we were needed to translate some manuscripts to Swahili version.  This was to happen at the Bible Society of Kenya offices, in the Kisii center, Situated at the Nyabururu Catholic Parish grounds. The manuscript as told was in the possession of Pr.Boaz Nyariki who actually was the initiator of the entire translation work.

Initially I didn’t see it as a big deal because translation is one of my hobbies and I enjoy doing it comfortably in all the three languages ie Ekegusii, Kiswahili and English. Since Joash shares this hobby with me, we then accepted to jointly do the job, at a cost of course. How much we were to be paid was not discussed but left at the discretion of the initiator. Thank God that Pr.Boaz did not disclose that translating the whole book of about 100 pages was a voluntary exercise. Had we known it was so, then we would not have stared it at the time.

With us, the promise of a reward was the motivation for us to spend sleepless nights, burning the midnight oil, in order to finish the job in the stipulated time.

Thus we began and we continued. Little did we know that all we were doing was not happening by chance but by design. No sooner did we translate the first page than we knew that the book we were working on was not just ordinary scholarly material, but a uniquely and artistically woven theological work. Amazingly, even if it was a layman reading the book, you must believe me, it was inspired – purely spiritual and easy to understand.

By the time we came to the end of the book, I fell in love with Dr. Desmond Ford and his book, “Jesus Only.” Being a theologian and having studied at University of Arusha and graduating with Bachelor of Arts in Theology, means that I have sat before many professors; I have read and perused many scholarly materials.

But I confess that Dr. Desmond Ford’s work is one of a kind. I had heard of Ford before, but I never knew he was such a powerful teacher of the Bible until I found this book, “Jesus Only.”

Never before have I seen a theologian who picks one statement of a Bible verse ie ” as they looked up, they saw none except Jesus Only” (Mathew 17:8) and then he teaches the entire Bible based on that very verse. He then moves step by step to systematically proove that the epicenter of every Biblical chapter or verse or teaching is none other than Jesus Only.

To be honest, it is only Dr Ford, through his book “Jesus Only, ” who has made me to understand better what true religion is all about. I have come to know that it is very easier to be saved and very hard to be lost. And this is so because of “Jesus only”

It is because of Dr Ford, through his book, that I have been able to come to terms with one university professor once said that really challenged my theology. I had never truly understood it. He said, “When you start reading any chapter or any verse of the Bible, and you don’t see Jesus in it, stop reading and ask yourself whether you are really reading your Bible.” This truth was powerfully underscored by Ford in this book, “Jesus Only.”

The way that Dr Ford perfectly builds the theme of the book from Chapter One: “The People, Place, and the Time of Jesus,” to the last chapter, “Jesus’ Tomb is Empty,” characterizes the author as an ardent believer and promoter of the Good News which is that salvation is found only in Jesus Christ only and Him crucified. You always find this truth in every chapter of the book,” Jesus Only.”

Not only that, but also, Desmond in every chapter unveils on how Jesus only was the perfect fulfillment of the types and shadows set out in the Bible. He does this with strict coherence of thoughts, a mastery of Bible language, and with the ability to persuade both conservative and liberal audiences alike. He also appeals to both theological and lay classes of leaders.

In conclusion therefore, allow me to recommend to whomever it may concern that the book, “Jesus Only” should and must be read by everyone who professes to be a Bible scholar. This is the book to be put in every book  library, book stores, and to be canvassed in every home.

The reason for this is because, if this book were read and understood, people would have come to the knowledge that the real solution to the really problem of humanity is none other than “Jesus Only.” If this book were read and understood, the slavery of religion would be a thing of the past. Because true religion is not based on human requirements , but on what Jesus only has done to set people free and forever.

Thank God I translated this book, “Jesus Only,” for by doing so, I have met with my Professor who never was ( Ford). This is a book that brought about a turning point to my preaching career.

The wise sages gave credence to the adage “Read books and be wise.” I add this adage by saying,”Read good books like “Jesus Only,” and you will never be the same.”


Pr. Patrick Masita Bundi

Graduate of Arusha University (B.A Theology)

– Translator of “Jesus Only”

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