How to Find Your Mission in Life – by Eliezer Gonzalez
May 13, 2015 1953
We all love to have a mission! A great purpose for being… something big to accomplish. I heard someone say recently, “If you’re looking for a mission, join God’s.” And you can be sure that God’s mission for you always has to do with the gospel.
In the Kingdom of God, everyone has a mission. It may be as noble and lofty as being a mother who raises up children who will be shining lights for the beauty of Jesus in this world, or it might be as humble as to be a preacher of the gospel.
Whatever it is, to discover it is one of our principal joys in life. Imagine the frustration of having your time on this earth come to an end without ever knowing what it was that God had planned for you to do.
There are some basic principles that we must understand about discovering what God’s mission is for us in life.
First of all, God has no time limits, like we do. Young people are in a hurry to find everything out and to discover everything. God isn’t like that. It may be that as a young person God has put a passion in your heart that makes clear what your mission in life is. Or it might be (like me) that God has to teach you many things over many decades before he can reveal your mission to you. There may be skills that you need to learn, or attitudes that you need to change before God can use you in the mission that he has for you. It can seem as if you are doing different kinds of jobs for no purpose. And then it all comes together! Think of how confused Moses must have been at different points in his life.
Secondly, God communicates with each one of us in different ways. With some of us he is more explicit than others. In other words, it may be that God has clearly told you what his mission is for your life. And it may also be that in your final years, as you look back on your life, you simply realise with contentment that you were on God’s mission all along.
Thirdly, God is the god of the unexpected. What I mean by this is really that the mission that God has for you may be something that you least expect (as in my case). What if God were to tell you to leave everything tomorrow and go to a really bad place and convert them. Think of the experience of Jonah.
So how do you find out God’s mission for your life? What you must do is actually not difficult, because God breaks it down for you.
You see, God doesn’t need you to always focus on the big picture; that’s his job. God actually gives you new mission every day. Every new day will bring its fresh challenges of faith and trust.
So start each new day, before the world drowns out the voice of God, by surrendering to his will for your life, to be used by him, so that his mission may be fulfilled in you on this day. By doing that, you will be sure to fulfil God’s mission for your life.
– Eliezer
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