How to Measure Your Success in Life
Jun 5, 2018 1783
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How to Measure Your Success in Life
There’s two ways to measure success in life: extrinsically or intrinsically. Extrinsic measures of success are all of those things outside of you, like your money, your stuff, career, and even whether people like you or not. When you measure your success based on those things, then your happiness becomes something that is largely out of your control.
Intrinsic measures of success are those things that basically come from inside you; things like having a purpose, deep personal relationships, community, generosity, and living with passion. It’s all about who you are, and not what you do or what you have.
The Bible tells us that when you have a living connection with Jesus Christ, then your true life will flow out from deep within you. When that happens, you don’t exist from the outside in, but from the inside out. Remember: Measure your success by who you are and not by what you have.

When you have a living connection with Jesus, then your true life will flow out from deep within you.
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