How To Safeguard Your Faith in Christ

Mar 31, 2020 7996

to safeguard your faith

Faith in Jesus is a precious thing, but it is also a fragile thing if we don’t safeguard it. If you ask most people how you should safeguard your faith, they might tell you to read the Bible, to pray, to go to church, and to serve others. These are all important.

However, in his letter to the Philippian church, the apostle Paul gives us a surprising answer to what you should do to safeguard your faith. He says this:

Do This To Safeguard Your Faith

Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faithPhil 3:1, NLT.

The advice that Paul is giving us is that if you rejoice in the Lord, you will safeguard your faith. In fact, our first response, whatever happens, should be to rejoice in the Lord. That way, our faith will stay strong.

That goes against our natural reaction to the bad stuff that happens in our lives. Our first response is not to rejoice in the Lord. Our first response is to worry, to stress, and even perhaps to pray in great distress with great wringing of hands, “Woe is me!”

But Paul says that if we rejoice in the Lord, our faith will stay strong. He says that this is so important that he never stops saying it. And he doesn’t. He says it over and over and over again in his letters.

When something is repeated so often in the Bible, perhaps we should pay more attention to it. Perhaps it is true that, whatever happens, if we focus on the Lord’s goodness and his blessings to us, our faith will stay strong. I am reminded of the words of the Master:

but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved – Matt. 24:13

Perhaps it’s time for less whinging and more rejoicing?

To learn more about faith, click here.

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– Eliezer Gonzalez

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