I was saved more than 60 years ago and Jesus has always been faithful to me…
Nov 10, 2013 2298
Mariamma’s Faithfulnes
I greet you in the Lord. I am Pastor Joseph and I would like to tell you the life story and testimony of Mariamma, who is now 97 years old, She is from Chukuralla village in the Krishna district of Andhrapradesh in India. This photo is when I gave her a Bible earlier this year.
Mariamma was born a Hindu, and when she was young – around 35 years old – she believed in Jesus Christ and was baptized by a pastor passing through her village.
From that same day she started teaching about Jesus Christ to everyone she met in her village. She would go from house to house in her spare time to tell them about Jesus Christ. Not only that, but she started praying for everyone in her village. Since that time, and in this way, she has converted almost 100 people from Hinduism to Jesus Christ.
She has two sons and one daughter. The sons have taken everything she owns, and they have beaten her badly and cast her out. Now she is living in her daughter’s house. She has seen three generations, and has granddaughters and grandsons.
She never becomes sick at any time. She never goes to hospital. But she walks many kilometers when she goes out. Whenever I ask her about her health or her personal matters, she tells me that Jesus saves, and gives me encouragement, and lifts me up.
Now her daughter has believed in Christ, and her daughter’s daughters and sons have believed in Jesus Christ and have been baptized. So this very big family comes to the prayer meetings whenever I visit the village. Mariamma welcomes me warmly whenever I come to the village in my ministry.
One day not long ago, Mariamma’s sister died, so she went to her sister’s village for the funeral. She stayed for several days in that village. One of these days, she went in the evening to a neighbour’s house that was far among the paddy fields to ask for a pickle to eat with her rice. They had given her the pickle and she was coming back to the house where she was staying
It was a dark night and unfortunately she missed the way to her house and she got lost inside one of the paddy fields. She started shouting loudly and calling for someone to help her, but no one heard her and no one came to help. She shouted so much that she had lost her voice.
This was a very dangerous place to be alone at night. But she spent the whole night along in the paddy field praying and believing in Jesus Christ. During that time no wild animals or poisonous creatures came and harmed her.
Early in the morning she came out from the paddy field without any help from anyone. She had lost the pickle that the neighbors had given her. She now testifies that Jesus saved her life during that whole night in the paddy field, when she never slept. This is a great testimony which she shares everywhere. It is a big witness in the church.
At present she has been staying at her granddaughter’s house. But her son-in-law wants her to leave, and not stay at her granddaughter’s house. The reason is because her own property has been taken by her own sons, and she has nowhere to live, and so she has nothing to give her daughter. That is why she is facing a problem.
But in spite of it all her problems, she believes in Christ. Dear loving pastor, this is the Mariamma’s story. Whenever I hold church meetings in her village, she is the one who arrives first at the church and welcomes me with singing..
Pastor Joseph Usala, Andhrapradesh, India
Wow! What an interesting story! 100 people from Hinduism to Jesus Christ. God be praised.
Eliezer Gonzalez
Nov 11, 2013
Yes! What God can do through humble people!!