If You Only Knew

Aug 12, 2019 4891

If you only knew

Other people often put barriers between you and Jesus that aren’t barriers at all. They can be moral barriers, gender barriers, ethnic barriers, religious barriers, time barriers: all kinds of barriers.

If you only knew who Jesus is and what he has for you!

One morning Jesus met with a Samaritan woman at a well. She wasn’t of his race or his religion, and she doesn’t seem to have been a shining example of virtue. As Jesus started to speak to her, she threw the barriers up. She says,

You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans. (John 4:9, NIV).

Jesus replied with an amazing statement:

If you only knew what a wonderful gift God has for you, and who I am… (John 4:10, TLB)

Whoever you are, Jesus is saying to you today,

“If you only knew who I am, and what I have for you, you wouldn’t ever doubt me again. You’d never feel worthless,  you’d never feel alone again, you’d never be afraid. Oh, my son, my daughter… if you only knew!”

The things that keep us away from having a real friendship with Jesus are the wrong ideas that have been put in our heads about who he is and what he does for us. These wrong ideas can come from our culture, from our upbringing, from our education, and even from our church. They tell us that the love of Jesus is limited and conditional on our good behaviour. They tell us that Jesus isn’t really interested in us and our issues. They tell us that we’re never quite good enough for him to take any notice of us.

This water that Jesus offers is so satisfying and refreshing that if you have sip of this water it will quench your thirst forever.

Jesus offered the Samaritan woman an incredible thing. He offered her water, but it wasn’t just ordinary water. This water that Jesus offers is so satisfying and refreshing that if you have sip of this water it will quench your thirst forever. Even more than that, this water will start to come from within you, and will simply keep on increasing.

Water represents life. Jesus was talking about life: the most satisfying life, truest life, eternal life.

Think about your own mediocre life and it’s struggles. If you only knew who Jesus is and what he has for you!

After having met Jesus, the woman went back to her village and told everyone,

Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did! Can this be the Messiah? (vv28-29, TLB).

She was discovering for herself who Jesus was. She had discovered that Jesus really was interested in everything that she had ever done, not to condemn her, but because even in those times when she had thought she was all alone, he had known her and been with her all along.

But Jesus is saying to you, just like he said to the woman at the well, “If you only knew who I am, and what I have for you!”

Isn’t it time to rediscover who Jesus is for yourself?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Francis Oitalei

Aug 29, 2019

Thanks be to God for his gracious gift of LOVE shown on the cross and his faithfulness that guide me in good and bad times. Feeling being alone and without hope and care....He's there to comfort, fill dreams with hope and cares..Hallelujah to his name forever and ever to eternity

James Tamba

Aug 20, 2019

Thanks for these inspiring lines. I was deeply touched by the Holy Spirit. May God Almighty continue to strengthen you.

David Sampson

Aug 19, 2019

Thank you my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, my redeemer, my salvation, my life and the sources of everything concerning, about, around and within, connecting, belongings to me. Thank you Jesus Christ because it is only you that knows everything about me right from the day I was formed in my mother's womb to this present age and you have the highest authority and power over me and more so it's you alone that have the final say in my life. No creature of any kind can add or subtract anything from me while I am with you and you are with me. Onlike the Samaritan woman, my duty is to tell people about you and introduce them to you for deliverance and salvation. Therefore my Good and Able God I humbly ask for the sufficient grace, the fresh anointing, the urge and the ability for me to carry on with this task boldly without fear or favour in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen and Amen.

Evette mc Gaw

Aug 19, 2019

I want to thank the Lord for the living water it gives me life everlasting Halleuijah


Aug 18, 2019

Thank you Lord, for you care for us even when we wrong you in one way or another.

Agwetang Clinton

Aug 18, 2019

thank you Lord Jesus for not condemning me for my sins and my misconceptions about you

John e Phiri

Aug 18, 2019

Thank you JESUS for this gift of life (the living water)!!!

Beth Dixon

Aug 18, 2019

Thank you Jesus

Rukh Mani

Aug 18, 2019

I praise and thank God, He is a living God and I can't thank Him enough for all that God has done for me in the past and present and more He will do in my future. I just need only to trust and rely upon Him. Father God has loved and cared us so much that He let His beloved son Jesus to die for our sins and to redeem us from our horrible situation. He rose up again and very confidently I can say He is alive. Blessed is that Samaritan women whom Jesus met and had a discussion. We indeed are blessed too through the Bible and the servants of God who put daily devotion and prayers such as GNU. May our awesome God bless GNU Ministry and us readers.


Aug 18, 2019

Give your heart to Jesus, he is calling you. Give -your -heart -today. God Can have every things he need s here on earth, but our hearts, we choose to give to our Heavenly Father. Give your heart today Amen

Okorie okechukwu Adolphus

Aug 18, 2019

Thank GOD for this blog, am highly inspired as I finished reading it because sometimes I shield tears if I remember my present condition and what brought me into it,though I have repented from them all but sometimes it seems as if GOD have forsaken me or abandoned, but this blog have revived my soul, ,great is his faithfulness

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