Aug 20, 2015 2106

* Please note that the “Christian” names of the people below are not the “birth” names of the individuals concerned. Their original names were typically Hindu names, having reference to the Hindu idols. As is the custom in that part of India, the baptismal candidates were given “Christian” names on the day of their baptism, signifying their new birth as new children into the Kingdom of God.


Job had it, lost it, then found something even better when he found Jesus.


Job was born and brought up in a Hindu family. Even his great grandfathers were Hindus. Job had money before, but he lost all of his wealth and was reduced to becoming a street beggar. One day he came to Pr Joseph’s prayer meeting in one of the villages and there he accepted Jesus Christ into his life. Now, having been baptized by Pr Eliezer Gonzalez, he is very, very happy. Job is faithfully coming to the prayer meetings daily.


It took a miracle for Sara, but Jesus took care of it.


Sara was born into a Hindu family. Even her great-grandfathers were Hindus. She came one day to the prayer meeting in her village and Pr Joseph prayed over her. She had been suffering a severe headache for years, and during the prayer, her headache left her and has not returned. This was a great miracle for her. Sara believed in Jesus Christ and accepted him into her life with a great faith. Because of this she decided to take baptism.


It took a visit to her home for Caroline to give her heart to Jesus.


Caroline was born and brought up as a Roman Catholic. One day Pr Joseph visited her house and she accepted Jesus. God has done many wonderful things for her family. She is so thankful to God that she has been baptized.




Ana’s faith is an example to us all.


Ana is 67 years old. She lives alone in a small grass hut and has no proper food, and she survives through her strong faith in the grace of God. Now that she has accepted Jesus Christ as her Saviour and has been baptized, she is very, very happy. Ana goes to the prayer meetings every week.


Ruth is 65 years old. She was born in the Roman Catholic faith but had no personal faith and did not go to church. Last year when Pr Eliezer Gonzalez visited her village, she heard him preach, and after that she did not miss a single prayer meeting. Pr Joseph also gave her the holy Bible. Ruth had a heart problem. She says that by coming to the prayer meetings and after being baptised, her heart problem has gone. Ruth also lives alone in a grass hut and needs your prayers.

– Pr Joseph Usala, edited by Eliezer Gonzalez

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