Interview with Dwayne Jeffries
Jun 17, 2016 3005

Recently Appointed to GNU Board of Directors
Dwayne, We’re all friends here, so how would you introduce yourself to a group of Christian friends? Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m a relative newcomer to full-time Christian ministry. I joined Sydney’s Christian radio station, Hope 103.2 as the Content Director a couple of years back after working in commercial radio on and off the air for most of my adult life. I was blessed to grow up in a family where faith was real and vibrant. Mum and dad invested in Christian schooling for me in Sydney and I attended a Christian college for a time. I love the power of radio as a one-to-one channel of communication. My wife Bronwyn and I have two primaryaged girls – Maddison and Ainsley. Every day I pray they listen to their mum and dad more than I did at their age!
What attracted you to the ministry of Good News Unlimited as something that you could throw yourself into?
Until I joined Hope Media, I had little idea of the number of ministries working to share the Gospel. I first heard about GNU from Nathan Brown (CEO of Christian Media Australia and a close associate of GNU). Nathan recommended I connect with GNU with the view of interviewing Des Ford.
Des was a theology teacher while my father was at college and I’d heard much about Des’ ministry so jumped at the opportunity. I met others of the GNU team while chatting with Des, and was moved by their passion for bringing the world into relationship with Jesus. So when I was later invited to join the board, I considered it an honour and accepted!
Can you share with us a little of your thoughts about the founder of GNU, Des Ford?
In preparing to interview Des, I was reminded of the passions that Des’ ministry inspired during his ministry. Rarely have I had the chance to sit with a man who has polarised so many. On meeting Des however, he made me feel instantly at ease. We chatted for hours – literally. Des’ zeal for exploring and then sharing the Gospel is compelling. His dedication to continuing to search the Scriptures inspired me to study – really study, the Word – to scour the Bible for God’s leading in my life today.
Dwayne, what do you think you have to offer GNU as we meet and work to overcome the challenges of spreading the Word fast to a needy world?
GNU already understands the value of electronic and digital media. I’m looking forward to sharing some of my experience in creating content with the gifted GNU communicators for both Australian and international mission fields. We live in a noisy, fractious and distracted age where every day we are hit with hundreds of competing messages. My passion is to assist in focusing our presentation of the Gospel so we can cut through that clutter with the wonderful life-changing message that we are children of God and that he is calling us to him!
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