Feb 28, 2014 2289
I was born in 1969 and I went through an Adventist high school between 1985 and 1992. I started ministry as an Adventist pastor in 1996.I enrolled to Bugema Adventist University for my Degree in Theology, but I unfortunately my credentials were terminated before I finished it. A pastor friend (David Kayumba) introduced me to Desmond Ford’s Good News Unlimited, which introduced me to many more studies, mainly on line devotions. I soon realized some errors in my favorite Ellen White writings, and I doubted the investigative judgment.
As a young pastor I could not keep quiet and I told many more pastors who studied even more than I did. That is when I realized that we are justified by faith; that our Sabbath, as good as it is, is in Christ our perfect rest; that God has no borders; and that we were surely not the only “remnant” church, and many more such things. Because of that my credentials were cancelled. Good News Unlimited answered all my questions about the Investigative Judgment. I maintained my friendships with many people, and I would wish them happy Sabbath so that I could get them to come to a deeper understanding of the truth. I stopped getting involved in heavy arguments, and began studying with people studies with love.
I will always remember my first devotion from GNU, it was posted by Pastor Ron Allan, over ten years ago. It was called, “The Broken Lid, He Will Not Throw Away.”) I saw myself in that text. I have used it to encourage hundreds of desperate people.
The transition was not easy but I am so happy that we can move on. Through it all, I can say as a songwriter wrote, “I have learned to depend on the Lord.” The study of the sanctuary is one of my favourite studies. That meeting place in the desert has gold of treasures in the fuller understanding of Jesus and his finished work on the cross.
I have failed in many things in life. I have even lived a double standard and double life. My sins shame me a lot. But thanks to Calvary! Jesus paid it all for me! This was a reality I did not know during the many years as an Adventist as well as an Adventist pastor.
Knowing Jesus is the greatest treasure I have gotten. I used to depend on my religion, and as a pastor, I would boast about this to those who could not see things the way I saw them. It was only when I stopped looking at Jesus through SDA and EGW glasses that I got new hope. Pray for me that I may fix my eyes to Jesus, whom to know is life ever-lasting.
We meet at my house every Friday evening for those who are near and God is good. We are breaking the Word of Life together. The study of the sanctuary is an amazing study, and we are now doing a chapter-by-chapter study of Hebrews. When we meet we brainstorm it together and it always takes us back to Leviticus and the Tent of Meeting as well as the Jubilee. It’s all amazing.
There are many who would like to join us but they cannot make it due to the distance. We are looking at the possibility of meeting in a more central place where more people can join us.
You can also send us any studies that can enrich our fellowship. We shall be working together on-line. Our name is “Blessed Hope Gospel Fellowship.”
We are so happy to have the chance to be fully accepted in world-wide family of GNU! I request that we organise all African GNU fellowships, leaders and members to come to Uganda, and if possible please send us a minister.
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