Jesus is Better

Sep 13, 2017 1517

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Jesus is Better

I’ve tried lots of schemes to get something better out of life, from property investment to network marketing.

No one wants to settle for second-best in life. We all want to find something better.

One of the key messages of Christianity is that Jesus is better.

The book of Hebrews in the New Testament was written at a time when the eyewitnesses to Jesus’ life were starting to get old and die. Naturally, people were starting to wonder whether they had actually spoken the truth about Jesus, and whether everything about Jesus was as good as they’d said it was.

The whole theme of Hebrews is that Jesus is better than anything that you have ever had before, and better than anything you can imagine.

Me, I’m done with second best! Whatever it is you’re looking for in your life, Jesus is better. If you have him, the rest will follow!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Jesus is Better

Whatever it is you are looking for in life, Jesus is better.

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