Jesus Heals Fatally Ill Man Who Could Not Afford To Go To Hospital

Apr 23, 2023 1457

Jesus Heals Fatally Ill Man Who Could Not Afford To Go To Hospital

Jacob is 35 years old and lives in the village of Mundu, India. He was born into the poorest of tribal families. He caught rats, snakes and frogs to eat and lived by it. He never had a house to live in and he drank a lot.

One day he became severely sick and he was lying on his bed for several days. He was unable to go to hospital because he had no money and no one to take him there. So he lost hope for his life and his wife also lost hope for him. She thought that he no longer would live for days. His wife cried and prayed to Jesus.

One day I went to their hut where they live and he was on the bed and glad to see me but unable to get up. He had become very weak and unable to get up from the bed. So I prayed over him and shared the Holy Gospel and told him to keep faith in Jesus. For with God all things are possible. Jesus healed many sick people.

“Jesus healed me and completely gave me another life.”

So Jacob started praying daily and kept faith in Jesus and his wife also prayed for him. After a few days I went back to his hut and prayed again and shared the Holy Gospel with him. Then he believed Jesus. He was able to get up and he accepted Jesus into his life.

It was a very big miracle that Jesus did in his life. Now he is so happy in Christ. He has been living on the bank of the river in the hut. His wife also accepted Jesus into her life. He has now left catching rats, snakes and frogs, and has started another work fishing.

Jacob says,

I almost lost my hope in life. But it is Jesus who saved me and healed me and completely gave me another life. I am so much thankful to Jesus for doing a great big miracle in life. My wife and children are so happy in Christ Jesus.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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Risiate Daulako

Jul 20, 2023

God to be glorified and he is the Saviour of all generations till the world ends. God Bless Jacob

Okurut Martin

Apr 24, 2023

Hallelujah to the most high God for Jacob's life. Christ is Lord in deed, His spirit will live to accomplish the purpose of God our Father until the end of time. Jacob you have chosen the right pass , don't doubt. Jesus is gonna maze you and your family.

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