Jesus Saves Kumari – Twice!

Jan 19, 2016 1696


Kumar knows the saving power of Jesus… she has experienced it twice!

Kumari has experienced a double miracle of Jesus’ saving power. The story begins in the middle of the night when Kumari felt a sharp pain in her leg. She turned on the light in time to see a poisonous snake slithering away from the bed. Frantically, she woke her husband.

They dressed and hurried to the local clinic, where the doctor confirmed that she had indeed been bitten by a poisonous snake, and the poison had already begun to spread through her body.

“There is nothing I can do for you here,” he said, directing them to another clinic in the next village. There, they heard the same story, and at another clinic, the same again. Hope began to ebb away as she became more ill.

Finally, a hospital admitted her and she was placed in an intensive care unit. Her body had begun to take on a green colour from the effects of the poison. She could not talk and her sight was gone. She was near death. Her co-workers, the children at the school where she worked and her family and friends believed she would die, but they prayed for her. They came to Pastor Joseph and asked him to pray also.

For three days they prayed, but her condition did not change. The doctors told them she was close to death and that they should prepare themselves. Then, when all hope seemed in vain, Kumari woke. She gradually regained health and strength. Pastor Joesph tell us:

Even the doctors called it a miracle. So did her family and friends. She heard the story of how everyone had prayed for her, and she realised that a great miracle had taken place in her life. She than learned about the very great miracle that Jesus performed on the Cross to save the whole world from the poison of Satan. She knows that Jesus has saved her life twice, and she has accepted Jesus into her life. She is now very happy in the Gospel.

– Compiled by Eliezer Gonzalez based on a report provided by Pr Joseph Usala.

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