Jesus was a Funny Guy

Oct 12, 2018 1658

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Jesus was a Funny Guy

I was surprised the other day when my son said to me, “Dad, I can’t imagine you as a funny guy.” The thing is, I know I used to be a funny guy. I still think I am. I wonder what went wrong!

When I think of Jesus, I imagine someone who smiled easily, and who laughed freely, and who certainly wasn’t against making a joke in the right circumstances. He was a man who attracted little children and those who had been rejected and abused by society.

I can easily imagine the ripples of laughter that went through the crowd when Jesus told them about the man who strained out a gnat and swallowed a camel, or the man who is pointing out the speck of sawdust in his friend’s eye while he himself is stumbling around with a huge log of timber sticking out of his eye. Which reminds me, I should smile more. How about you?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Jesus Jesus was a Funny Guy

When I think of Jesus, I imagine someone who smiled easily, who laughed freely, and who certainly wasn’t against making a joke in the right circumstances.

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