Joy Right Now
Feb 3, 2017 2289
Radio Version:
Joy Right Now
Jesus told a story about ten young women who went to a wedding.
Each of them took a lamp as they waited for the groom to arrive.
Five took enough oil to keep their lamps burning for a short time, while the others – the wise ones – took extra oil to keep their lamps burning longer.
The groom was delayed, and inevitably the first five ran out of oil. As they rushed off to refill their oil, the groom arrived.
Jesus says the wise young women were invited to go straight into the wedding party, while the others who had run out of oil missed out.
Or are you in danger of being like those five young women – on fire for Jesus in the short-term, but in danger of running out of oil? The Bible says Jesus could come back today – or in a thousand years. Make sure your lamp of faith doesn’t burn out before he returns.

You can have joy right now.
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