The Joyous Discovery of the Omnipresence of God 1 to 5
Nov 12, 2014 1930
by Dr Desmond Ford
Part 1
Excerpt:Though life can sometimes feel empty, we are not alone. True religion is lived in the company of God. Although we are sinners, because of Christ’s cross, the spirit of God is with us. The omnipresence of God Fills our lives.
Part 2
Excerpt:The Old and New Testaments testify to the Presence of God with us. A Christian classic we have the privilege of God’s Presence all our days.
Part 3
Excerpt:Because life is hard, everything depends on what we look at. We can look at either our troubles or God. Though God is invisible, the Bible gives examples of those who looked to him. we are wise when we do the same.
Part 4
Excerpt:The apostle Paul (in 1 Corinthians 7:29 – 31) describes the drama of life in five acts. The drama teaches us that because life is constantly changing, we need not take it too seriously. We are to attend relatively to the relative and absolutely to the absolute.
Part 5
Excerpt:Few have learned the Bible lesson of attending relatively to relative matters and absolutely to absolute matters. Madame Guyon of the 17th-century did. Their inspiring lives remind us that God will equip us to influence people for God.
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