Keep Moving

May 18, 2021 1882

Keep Moving

Keep Moving

One of the reasons why I like having a dog is that he reminds me to keep moving. That’s important, because I sit in front of a screen every day for far too long.

The truth is that while we live, we have to move. We have to grow. Like a great old friend said to me once, “They never bury anything that moves.”

After his resurrection, Jesus had an important conversation with his disciple Peter. Peter had gone off track and even denied knowing Jesus.

In this conversation, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him, and then told him to follow him.

What Jesus was challenging Peter on was the direction in which his life was going. What Jesus was basically saying to Peter in the end was, “You’re moving in the right direction, Peter. Now keep going!”

That was Peter. The question is: Are you moving in the right direction?

Remember: You gotta keep moving.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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