Knowing and Believing
May 18, 2021 1726

Knowing and Believing
People get knowing and believing mixed up all the time. I see it when people can’t understand why I believe in Jesus when I don’t actually know everything.
I used to think that the more I knew about the Bible and about religious stuff, that the closer I’d be to God.
Now, it’s true that knowledge is important. But there’s been a lot of people throughout history who have known a lot about the Bible but who haven’t been nice people at all.
In fact, in the Bible, the people with the greatest faith are, strangely enough, those who actually know the least.
In John 14:6, Thomas asks Jesus a “knowledge” question. He asks Jesus where he is going.
Look how Jesus responds to Thomas,
“I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6).
Jesus doesn’t give Thomas more knowledge. Instead, he is inviting Thomas to enter into a deeper relationship with him.
Remember: Relationship builds faith.
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