Learning About Forgiveness

Mar 29, 2016 1284

Exodus 32: 31-32

The hardest lesson that the great men and women of God have always had to learn is the lesson of forgiveness: what it means to be forgiven, and what it means to forgive. Moses learnt that lesson as well.

God calls Moses the meekest man on earth because he was willing to learn the lessons of forgiveness (Numbers 12:3).

At the foot of Mount Sinai, as God is about to wipe out the idolatrous and rebellious people of Israel, Moses interposes himself between the people and God, and says to the Lord,

But now, please forgive their sin—but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written. – Exodus 32:32

At the foot of Sinai, Moses learnt that forgiveness has a cost. He continued to re-learn this lesson throughout his life.

He learnt that he would always need the forgiveness of God himself, no matter how long he had followed Him.

It is the same with us. When we learn that forgiveness has a cost, it transforms us. That cost was the life of the Son of God himself.

Will you realize your need of forgiveness today?

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