Lessons from the Clothesline

Jan 25, 2015 8117

Clothes on the lineOne day the Baptist evangelist Frederick Meyer was visiting in a Scottish home. It was washing day, and the clothes were on the line. It began to snow, and soon the clothes did not look so white against the background of the snow. When Meyer remarked about it, the old Scottish housewife cried, “Mon, what can stand against God Almighty’s white!”

There’s a lot of plain reality – and good theology – here.

Even when we present the very best version of ourselves, even after a lifetime of discipline and self-improvement, against God’s almighty white, all our righteousness is like filthy rags (Isa 64:6).

That’s why it is interesting to read of God’s church, that

She has been given the privilege of wearing fine linen, dazzling and pure.” (The fine linen represents the righteous deeds of the saints.) – Rev 19:8, ISV

The saints are shown as wearing robes that are so white that they are “dazzling.” And the verse clearly says that this white robe represents the righteous deeds of the saints.

However, the verse also makes clear that these white robes have been given to the saints purely as a gift. Because there is only one place that such dazzlingly beautiful deeds – indeed an entire life – has ever manifested themselves: in the person of Jesus Christ. For these righteous deeds are Christ’s life, credited to the account of everyone who believes.

“Please come,
 and let’s reason together,” implores the Lord.
“ Even though your sins are like scarlet,
 they’ll be white like snow. – Isa 1:18, ISV

Eliezer Gonzalez


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