Letting Go
Feb 7, 2017 2472
Radio Version:
Letting Go
Once I was sailing a catamaran with a friend when a big gust of wind, tipped us over, and the mast came off.
I held onto that mast with all my energy – not because it would save me, but because it was worth a lot of money!
But every time a wave came, my head went under and I would start to swallow some water. Eventually I saw and let it go. I lost the mast and saved my life.
To enter into heaven you and I need to let go of those things we think are more valuable than Jesus. We need to let go of our pride, let go of our self-reliance, let go of our desire for power, wealth or status.
It’s only when you let go of everything else that you can truly grab onto Jesus and be saved. Is there something in your life you need to let go of, so you can cling to Christ with both hands?

It’s only when you are letting go of everything else, that you can truly hold onto Jesus.
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